Mama Lorna's insights

Friday, October 27, 2006

Hello everyone. It has been a couple of days. Been very busy at work and at home. Trying to do a major cleaning at home before the end of the year. I HATE CLEANING HOUSE.

I have attached a picture of a black cat. This is from the internet but my Zoe looks just like this one. She was an indoor cat for 5 years but when we moved to our basement suite, she always tried to get out the door. One day she suceeded and has not come in since. She hates being in the house now. I am a little fearful for her because of racoons, skunks etc, but she is feisty. I also built a house for her. I made a box and lined it with carpet. Then I attached it to legs of an old table with the open side of the box on its side. I put her red blanket in there and that is where she is most of the time. She loves it. It saves on kitty litter for us, which is kind of nice.

Anyway, we are heading into another weekend. I am painting Rachel Sledding's kitchen on Saturday. I was over there last night helping take off the old border wall paper she has had for over 7 years. What a bugger to take off, but we finally did it. She bought the paint yesterday. I will take pictures when I am finished and post it to one of my blogs next week. I hope it turns out good.

Then Sunday is church. I am singing in both services. I hope it clears up a bit but I have heard it is raining all weekend.

Anyway, probably will not have time to blog over the weekend, so I wish all of you wonderful friends a great weekend.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Well, the title of my blog is a day off, but, OH WELL, as they say, better late than never. I am sitting here at work thinking of all the things I have to do today and really don't want to. I am tired and am tired of being tired. Do you ever feel like you just want to sleep and sleep but know if you do you won't be able to sleep. Yep, thought I would confuse you early in the morning.
My life right now is challenging. I have so many feelings of confusion and wondering what God is doing. I know He loves me and loves my family, but I get very impatient when I pray for things and nothing happens. Syd said it is all in Gods timing, not ours. Well, just once I want it to be in my timing, hee hee. I know, I need to continue to trust in God and His promises to us. Ok, I get the point, BE STILL AND KNOW I AM GOD.
Do you ever argue with your husband and in the end think why are we doing this? Well, that was me last night and this morning. We went to the mall and there was a parking spot really close to the door. He drove right past it and went and parked farther away as he wanted to drive right through and not back in. I asked him why he did not park closer to the door. He said he wanted to park where he did. So I said, so you get your own way again. Well, let me tell you, an arguement broke out. Yes, over a parking spot. That is what is so stupid about it. Then he said, well, I see your point, but you can't see mine. What the heck does that have to do with him getting his own way? That is what I asked him and he did not have an answer. yikes, I hate this sometimes. I guess, I was a little on edge. I took the bus home from work, took my coat off and started supper. I was in the kitchen, he walks in, he takes his shoes off and goes and has a shower and sits on the couch till supper is ready. We eat, I do some of the dishes (he was back on the couch) then we went to the mall. We get home for the mall (fighting) and I start to do more dishes with Samantha helping me (he went back on the couch) I ask him why he is not helping us and he said there were already two people in the kitchen (as he was sitting on the couch) So only two people can do the dishes? Also, he said I was still mad at him and he did not want to be near me. hhmm..... So my whole point in this is I work all day and I would love to sit on the couch but I don't. He sees nothing wrong with coming home and doing nothing. And the only time he ever does anything is when I freak out. Ok, I feel much better now. Anyway, gotta get back to work. Chat with ya all tomorrow.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday Has Arrived

Once again, we are upon a weekend. Yes, another week of work, kids, cooking, church activities, eating, appointments etc has come and gone and we are still in one piece. I am amazed at how much all of us can fit into one week. I sometimes feel that I should have 5 bodies just to get everything done. But as most of you know there is only one of me and I know some of you are glad about that. You probably saw the color of my kitchen. Well, I am going to be painting my door going outside, which is through my kitchen. I am going to paint it a cream color, inside and out. Need to brighten things up. I am doing that tomorrow, Saturday. Then I am going over to a friends house, Rachel, as she is having a candle party. I LOVE CANDLES, just ask Holly, who is my candle supplier. You can never have too many candles. I burn them all the time. It is cheaper than turning the heat on. hee hee.
Friends of ours in the church are having their baby dedicated on Sunday. Because both their families are not in Canada, they have asked Syd and I to be the babies grandparents. His name is Nathaniel. He is so cute. He was born in July. Then we are going to their place for lunch. Filipino food, yummy. Anyway, have a good night everyone. Hugs and kisses to those I don't see and if I do see you, come on over and get your hugs and kisses.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

It seems that all the week days are rolling into one. I cannot believe Wednesday if over. Yes, another day with fighting with printers. Yes, the printer is getting closer to the window. People are holding me back. . . oh well, it will be over soon, I mean the weekend, not the jumping. Syd and I are going on a movie date tonight. All we have to pay for is the popcorn. He got two movie passes for his birthday in August from a friend of his. Nice gift because I get to enjoy them also. I have no idea what we are going to see, but whatever it is, being out of the house and away from printers is a good thing. Talk with you tomorrow

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Hi there. Tuesday morning and on a roll. Yes, it is a crazy day here at work, but I am on my break now so I thought I would post a short message. I have been trying to fix a printer here all morning. It will print some documents and then just stop for no reason. Yes, we have gremlins. That is when I stand there with all my co-workers and say HHHMMM, why is this happening? So with all the strength in me not to throw it out the window, I just reboot the server. Low and behold the printing starts again and the whole process starts all over again. I think some of my co-workers need counselling now as they are very frustrated. Oh well, things happens. I wish I was on a beach somewhere tanning right now. But, reality has set in and I need to work. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Hello there. Just thought I would post some pictures of my newly painted kitchen. My family all say they have to wear sunglasses, but I like it. Brightens up the place. I also made the funky curtains. Yes, a colorful season in my life. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Finally The Weekend

Yes, the weekend is here, thank you Jesus. I have had one of those weeks where you just want to cry. I have been so stressed about the dentist and everything that is wrong with my teeth and the money that I am going to have to pay. I am covered, but I do not know at what percentage. The thing is, I will have to pay it up front and then get reinbursed from the insurance company. Lots of money. I just have to believe that God is going to get me through this. I have to trust on His word. But at times that is so hard for me. Ok, now that I am a blubbering mess, I will get on with this.
I bought paint for my kitchen today. It is called sunny yellow. I am going to be spending the day tomorrow painting. I am very excited. My family think I have gone off the deep end cause I am always changing something. We are only renting so they think I should just leave everything plain. But I cannot do that. I will let you know how it goes.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I am so tired. It feels like I have been working for two weeks straight, but it has only been 3 days. Boy oh boy. . .
I am heading out to a bridal shower for a friend of mine from church. Her and her fiance are both in their early 40's. Neither of them have been married before. I am so excited for them. They met at our church. He has been coming for quite a while and she moved here from back east. I think it took 3 years before they finally met, dated and fell in love. The wedding is on November 4th.
I am still at work waiting for a friend to come and pick me up. So I am on the internet. Where else should I be. . . but reading and posting blogs to all of you wonderful people.
I think she is here now, so I will sign off. Hopefully I will add to this after the shower from home.
Well, I am home from the shower. There were around 30 ladies there. She received some great gifts. I think I want to get married again just for the presents. hee hee. There are so many great things to buy for weddings, showers etc that they did not have when I got married. I am jealous.
I am now watching ER. Love that show. Thought I would say goodnight to all my blogger friends. As we say in the movies, THAT'S A WRAP!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Yes, it is one of those days. Just got back from the dentist. Not fun. I am freaked by dentists, so I have put off going for quite some time. Bad me because it is going to cost me a ton of money. I need a miracle or I need to rob a bank. Maybe I will not do that. Oh well, I just have to take one day at a time. My teeth really hurt right now. I have taken some tylenol so I hope that helps. I walked to my work from the dentist office. It is so warm outside, I had to take off my coat. What a great October we are having. I just hope it stays like this all month.

My daughter Samantha noticed a bees nest under ground at our house. What happened is that a skunk came around the night before and started digging at the side of our house, outside the exterior fence. We just thought it was trying to get under the fence but the following night I was in my bedroom and I heard Sam come into the house saying "Mom, I think you need to come and see this" I had no idea what was going on but like a whipped mother, (hee hee) I obeyed. She took me outside the fence where the skunk was digging and shined a flashlight on the spot. I saw the outside of a bees nest, with part of it gone from the digging. So my husband, Syd said we would need to get something to get rid of the rest. Well, a couple of days later, she called me at work and told me she went to the bees nest and it was completely gone. Our dear skunk I guess came back and dug up the entire nest. Sam said there were nest pieces all over the grass. Yikes, he really wanted either the honey or the bees or both. That saves us from digging it up. Now I will never say I hate skunks. I wonder if it got stung. Oh well, at least it was not me.

Until later . . .

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

So, it is Tuesday morning. We had a crazy weekend. So much turkey.
Just so you all know, this is my daughter Samantha. She is 18 years old. I love this picture of her. She is sick with a sinus infection and bronkitis right now. She sounds like a seal when she coughs.
Anyway, things are busy at work right now, but it is only work.
I am starting to volunteer at the children's hospital. (will tell my story about this tomorrow) Tonight will be my first time. I am very excited. I will be hanging out with the 10-14 year olds. I usually work with younger kids, but I am being stretched. I was at the hospital on Friday for orientation and boy are there ever alot of sick kids. Us with healthy children are so blessed and we need to thank God everyday.
Gotta go for now.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Another day another post

Well, today is Sunday and we just got home from church. I had to sing this morning. Good service. Now I am eating lunch. I made curried chicken. Syd and I are heading to my half sisters for turkey tonight and then to Kevin & Jennifers, (my brother) tomorrow. I will be all turkeyed out. Oh well, I love turkey so I don't see a problem. I am so thankful that it is a long weekend. I get to sleep in tomorrow. Very excited. They say the weather is supposed to be sunny so I am pretty sure Syd and I will go for a walk somewhere. I pray that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. Love you all

Saturday, October 07, 2006

First Time, just taking baby steps

Hello everyone. Well, this is my first post and thanks to so many of you for letting me part of your lives and getting to know you in ways I did not know was possible. Today has been a very productive day. A good friend of mine, Rachel, sent me to get a pedicure. Yes, my feet look amazing. Syd and I looked after her children while her and her husband Kris went to Mexico with other friends of ours. Cassie and Ethan were so much fun. Ethan is a gift from God and we thank Him daily for our little man. If only I knew how to post pictures, I would. Have not figured that out yet. This weekend is Thanksgiving and we have so much to be thankful for. Our God, our marriage, my daughter, our family, friends and church. Yes, we serve an amazing God. Lots of turkey this weekend also. (which I am thankful for) I love turkey dinners. Anyway, have a reno show to watch. Will post another day.