Mama Lorna's insights

Friday, October 27, 2006

Hello everyone. It has been a couple of days. Been very busy at work and at home. Trying to do a major cleaning at home before the end of the year. I HATE CLEANING HOUSE.

I have attached a picture of a black cat. This is from the internet but my Zoe looks just like this one. She was an indoor cat for 5 years but when we moved to our basement suite, she always tried to get out the door. One day she suceeded and has not come in since. She hates being in the house now. I am a little fearful for her because of racoons, skunks etc, but she is feisty. I also built a house for her. I made a box and lined it with carpet. Then I attached it to legs of an old table with the open side of the box on its side. I put her red blanket in there and that is where she is most of the time. She loves it. It saves on kitty litter for us, which is kind of nice.

Anyway, we are heading into another weekend. I am painting Rachel Sledding's kitchen on Saturday. I was over there last night helping take off the old border wall paper she has had for over 7 years. What a bugger to take off, but we finally did it. She bought the paint yesterday. I will take pictures when I am finished and post it to one of my blogs next week. I hope it turns out good.

Then Sunday is church. I am singing in both services. I hope it clears up a bit but I have heard it is raining all weekend.

Anyway, probably will not have time to blog over the weekend, so I wish all of you wonderful friends a great weekend.



  • At 9:10 AM, Blogger Lala's world said…

    wow what a great friend you are to help Rachel paint! you will have to say hi to them for me! I don't know if they or anyone there knows we moved to PG!

    I am going to paint my house is mint green can we say YUCK....but this time I am hiring painters...can you see me jumping for joy...oh happy day!!!


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